Saturday, 24 April 2010
lamentare de dimineata
Viata se consuma intr-o multitudine de fleacuri. Pentru ca, de fapt, din noianul de fleacuri se naste genialitatea. Sau, aproape intotdeauna, dezarmanta si trista banalitate.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
The rabbit hole is a bong...
Am gasit intr-o zi o cutiuta rosie
Pe cutiuta erau trei incuietori.
Fiecare avea o alta forma
O inima, un patrat si un opt.
Nu inteleg cum e posibil
Dar in buzunar aveam o cheita
Ce s-a potrivit la forma opt.
Am deschis astfel cutiuta rosie
In ea am gasit o ciupercuta si o sticluta.
Pe sticluta scria "Bea-ma".
Ciupercuta striga "Mananca-ma".
Am luat ciupercuta si am muscat din ea
Si-a aparut o lumina puternica.
Din ce in ce mai puternica
S-a transformat intr-un ranjet
Iar mai apoi a luat forma unei pisici.
Un ranjet de pisica plutitoare.
M-am speriat si i-am strigat
"Du-te dracu'!"
Mi-a raspuns "Ne vedem in Iad."
I-am spus "M-ai speriat..."
Continua sa ranjeasca,
Ochii ii sclipeau.
Am spus "Sunt high... mi-e frig".
Mi-a raspuns "Toti suntem high aici".
"Linisteste-te si trage un fum"
"Chestia asta e tare de tot"
M-am asezat si am tras in plaman,
Apoi, ranjind, mi-a spus...
"Stii, lumea asta nu e ce pare a fi"
"Lumina distorsioneaza, e doar un vis"
M-am uitat la el si ochii ii sclipeau
"Ce vrei sa spui?"
"Oamenii cred ce vor sa vada"
"D-asta sunt stresati si suparati"
"Dar ei nu stiu si nu vor sa creada"
"Ca pot schimba iadul, e doar un vis"
Mi-a captat atentia, vroiam sa mai aud
Mi-a spus ca totul e facut din lumina
Ca nu exista bine si nu exista rau
Ca noi creem lumea dupa cum o privim
Putem face orice sa se intample
Daca suntem in stare sa credem.
Am stat sa ma gandesc un pic
"Dar ce legatura are asta cu mine?"
Pisica mi-a facut cu ochiul
A ranjit si dand din coada a spus
"Nu incerca sa schimbi lumea,"
"Schimba-te tu".
"Ceea ce visezi depinde numai de tine."
A urmat un flash si m-am trezit in pat.
M-am gandit la ce-am visat
Si m-am simtit liber.
"Cred ca mi-am pierdut mintile", mi-am zis
Atunci am auzit o voce cunoscuta
"Nu-ti fa griji, o sa le recapeti din nou."
"Totul e numai un vis."
Alice in Wonderland induced thoughts :D
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
true love in the spam box
Hi there!
The human heart, at whatever age, opens to the heart that opens in return. If I could spend a day with you, we would keep each other’s company. We would hold hands as we strolled in the park and we would talk about everything. If I could spend an evening with you, I would cherish every minute that we were together. I would stare into your deep eyes and without a single word you would know how much I love you. If I could spend a night with you, I would hold you in my arms the whole night through. And I would make passionate love to you. If I could spend my life with you, I would try to make you the happiest man in the whole world.
Feel free to get in touch with me
All the best
Elena D.
The human heart, at whatever age, opens to the heart that opens in return. If I could spend a day with you, we would keep each other’s company. We would hold hands as we strolled in the park and we would talk about everything. If I could spend an evening with you, I would cherish every minute that we were together. I would stare into your deep eyes and without a single word you would know how much I love you. If I could spend a night with you, I would hold you in my arms the whole night through. And I would make passionate love to you. If I could spend my life with you, I would try to make you the happiest man in the whole world.
Feel free to get in touch with me
All the best
Elena D.
Bound by Blood
Slumber now, Child of mine,
Until they come with torch aflame,
But do not run,
Your time has come,
The men of the North stake claim.
They come to claim, Child of mine,
They come to claim your life,
With hearts of stone,
And splitting bone,
Their wake is deadly strife.
So sleep tonight, Child of mine,
For tomorrow morn, the sun won't shine,
So stay aware,
And offer prayer,
For the men of the North march time.
(Traditional lullaby from northern Kislev)
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