Saturday, 28 November 2009
a synomyn...a synomyn... I just said synonym wrong.. twice
De la ora 4 dupa-amiaza pana la ora 6 dimineata m-am uitat la College Humor.
Is that wrong?
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Dragon Age Codex - The Maker
There was no word
For heaven or for earth, for sea or sky.
All that existed was silence.
Then the Voice of the Maker rang out,
The first Word,
And His Word became all that might be:
Dream and idea, hope and fear,
Endless possibilities.
And from it made his firstborn.
And he said to them:
In My image I forge you,
To you I give dominion
Over all that exists.
By your will
May all things be done.
Then in the center of heaven
He called forth
A city with towers of gold,
streets with music for cobblestones,
And banners which flew without wind.
There, He dwelled, waiting
To see the wonders
His children would create.
The children of the Maker gathered
Before his golden throne
And sang hymns of praise unending.
But their songs
Were the songs of the cobblestones.
They shone with the golden light
Reflected from the Maker's throne.
They held forth the banners
That flew on their own.
And the Voice of the Maker shook the Fade
Saying: In My image I have wrought
My firstborn. You have been given dominion
Over all that exists. By your will
All things are done.
Yet you do nothing.
The realm I have given you
Is formless, ever-changing.
And He knew he had wrought amiss.
So the Maker turned from his firstborn
And took from the Fade
A measure of its living flesh
And placed it apart from the Spirits, and spoke to it, saying:
Here, I decree
Opposition in all things:
For earth, sky
For winter, summer
For darkness, Light.
By My Will alone is Balance sundered
And the world given new life.
And no longer was it formless, ever-changing,
But held fast, immutable,
With Words for heaven and for earth, sea and sky.
At last did the Maker
From the living world
Make men. Immutable, as the substance of the earth,
With souls made of dream and idea, hope and fear,
Endless possibilities.
Then the Maker said:
To you, my second-born, I grant this gift:
In your heart shall burn
An unquenchable flame
All-consuming, and never satisfied.
From the Fade I crafted you,
And to the Fade you shall return
Each night in dreams
That you may always remember me.
And then the Maker sealed the gates
Of the Golden City
And there, He dwelled, waiting
To see the wonders
His children would create.
--Threnodies 5:1-8
Saturday, 21 November 2009
co-work "poetic" la o masa la terasa.
Te invarti ca Dinescu in acelasi anturaj periculos,
Te agati de modernism, te uiti la noi de sus in jos,
Te expui in vazul lumii ca un exhibitionist pseudo-curajos,
But when the shit hits the fan iti moare role-playing-ul "not so serious".
Scriu vertiginos pe-o traiectorie eliptica,
Nu bag ca Dinescu satira politica,
Nu am capacitati de analiza critica,
Nu aduc argumente dar ma arunc in orice polemica.
Erata! Ai folosit cuvantul polemica gresit!
Nu poti sa polemizezi fara sa argumentezi!
Acum o sa argumentez,
Permite-mi sa ma corectez,
Trebuie sa precizez
Ca foarte tare apreciez stilul liber
Si mai completez ca Dinescu e un diez.
Deviez... Cred ca am ramas fara rime
Cu cuvinte sa se termine in "ez".
pam pam
Friday, 20 November 2009
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
no start, no point, no ending
Astea sunt vocile din capul tau
Inchide ochii si asculta-le
Daca ar fi vrut sa-ti faca rau
Erai probabil mort de multa vreme.
Ridica-ti privirea spre cer
Poate ca tot rau-i spre bine
Nu mai pune aceeasi intrebare
Raspunsul e numai in tine.
Totul este cernut prin sita insalubra a resturilor uscate dintre tastele jegoase de pe biroul complet strain de mangaierea calda a unei carpe de sters praful. Dar Mesajul ajunge oricum la o destinatie oarecare aleasa la intamplare din multitudinea de statusuri destepte furate postate insusite schimbate la intervale regulate din lista de prieteni peste care s-a pus praful.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
random things i like
“Doamna, am aflat ca v-ati dat osteneala sa ma cautati aseara ieri pe inserate, de trei ori la rind. Eu nu eram. Si de teama sa nu va faceti de risul lumii, dat fiind ca o asemenea persistenta din partea dvs. ar putea sa ma faca si pe mine tot atit de persistent, aleasa mea educatie ma obliga sa va previn: n-am sa fiu niciodata. Am onoarea sa va salut, G.F., marti dimineata”
Friday, 6 November 2009
Hwee cap-toored eet fohr Kay-ohss!!

Toma Yousif: ok
Toma Yousif: Invitatie pt biserica e duminica si nu azi. Dumnica la 6 daca vrei si poti?
yoshi[]]: nu am timp be onest
Toma Yousif: ok. bro.
yoshi[]]: n am viata sociala cu jobul si week endul vreau sa fie al meu....
yoshi[]]: daca intelegi
Toma Yousif: Te inteleg
Toma Yousif: Nu vreau sa te bat la cap ....
Toma Yousif: Sincer ma gandesc ca e ceva care ar putea sa te ajute sa intelegi mai bine si sa ai mai multe informatii
yoshi[]]: despre?
Toma Yousif: informatii din Biblie. despre Dumnezeu si istorie. Despre oameni, despre viata
yoshi[]]: e...i'll pass......
yoshi[]]: tnx anyway
Toma Yousif: bine bro cum vrei
Toma Yousif: sincer vroiam doar sa-ti arat cum e la noi si sa vezi cum sunt la noi bisericile ca sa vezi ca nu e nimic ciudat.
yoshi[]]: sincer f ciudat mi se pare la ortodocsi cu toate liturghiile si pupaciunile de icoane
yoshi[]]: am fost la voi si stiu cum e
yoshi[]]: ...dar eu nu merg nici la orto
yoshi[]]: asa ca...
yoshi[]]: nu e nimic personal
yoshi[]]: )
Toma Yousif: te cred
yoshi[]]: nu am timp nici sa mananc
yoshi[]]: get it?
Toma Yousif: am inteles
Toma Yousif: dar "cauta mai intai imparatia lui Dumnezeu si toate aceste lucruri ti se vor da pe deasupra"
Toma Yousif: tocmai pt ca pe plan personal esti o persoana care o apreciez si stimez iti intind o mana de ajutor ca prieten
Toma Yousif: anyway. the dorr is allways open