Friday, 31 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Seriously... Why so serious?

yoshi_mane: http://www.wunderkabinett.co.uk/gallery/albums/userpics/10003/tiny_bodybuilder_450.jpg
yoshi_mane: be happy
Candyman: jebus fuck
Candyman: so random
Candyman: there used to be a sport of dwarf tossing
yoshi_mane: still is
Candyman: yea
Candyman: too right mate
yoshi_mane: it comes from the dwarfs wars..
Candyman: the dwarf wars?
yoshi_mane: but they forgot to tell us that ..it was "really"......dwarfs...tossing...everywhere...like....bang...i'll rip your head off with me dwarf
Candyman: and the sieges? they used to demolish entire chunks of castle walls with well aimed trebuchet launched dwarves
yoshi_mane: i mean...hell ya!.....who would be crazy enough to carry a big rock when there were so many dwarves everywhere
Candyman: exactly!
yoshi_mane: ...it was like......everyone grab your dwaaaarfs!!!!!!
yoshi_mane: waaaaaagh
Candyman: and the "to arms!" line has changed into "to dwarves!"
yoshi_mane: ....everyone thought that it was somekind of war crys o' something...
yoshi_mane: but they were wrong
yoshi_mane: ....the sound wasn't comin' from the wariors
yoshi_mane: ....
Candyman: it was comming from their weapons
yoshi_mane: .....exactlly
yoshi_mane: ....it was frickin fear
Candyman: the first case of biological warfare ever
yoshi_mane: ever!
Candyman: the second was carrion corpses tossed over the walls to poison and ill the enemy
Candyman: nu rade aia e pe bune
Candyman: cu ciuma neagra
yoshi_mane: da da
yoshi_mane: asa e
Candyman: foloseau cadavre ucise de ciuma si le catapultau peste ziduri
yoshi_mane: bio weapon
Candyman: thats a fact
yoshi_mane: ....but still......we now hold those days in memory..not fighting...only tossing...
yoshi_mane: sport
yoshi_mane: .....what changed over the ages you ask?
yoshi_mane: .......absolutely nothin'
Candyman: orks tried to do the catapult me over the wall too at some point in the war against humans but they were too stupid to actually make it over the walls... they usually smashed their heads into the walls
yoshi_mane: .....you can still hear ..."-......uuuuuuummmmmmmmmffffffffuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkk!!!!!........."
Candyman: i guess orks and dwarves arent much different u know... the only difference is that dwarves are still being tossed in our days
yoshi_mane: ...the orks are just doin it for fun..
Candyman: uuummmmffffuuuccckkk
Candyman: the dwarves are doing it for honor
yoshi_mane: ...and cookies
yoshi_mane: ....you must reward them...."well done, here's a cookie"
Candyman: the cookies always fuck up a dwarf's mind driving him into the "TOSS ME OVER! rage
yoshi_mane: .....you can't stay untouched when you see his cute face chewing that cookie satisfied....along with some gravel
Candyman: yea
Candyman: i should get a dwarf of my own
Candyman: pet him and feed him
yoshi_mane: i know now what i want for cristmas
Candyman: or is it "IT"
yoshi_mane: it's git
Candyman: git indeed
yoshi_mane: oooooook...am a gonna' save this talk in a txt file
yoshi_mane: rules
Candyman: asta vroiam sa zic si io
Candyman: it was too random to let it slip away
Candyman: done
Candyman: o sami fac licenta cu discutia asta
yoshi_mane: see?..that's why i have you as a friend......you can have this talk ...without...giving me ignore
Candyman: stii ca am cartea aia cu bestiary
yoshi_mane: da
yoshi_mane: deschizi un nou capitol
yoshi_mane: ......or sa se faca si filme pe tema asta
yoshi_mane: loooooooool
yoshi_mane: fac un flash
yoshi_mane: ...deci nu trebuie sa mi scape
Candyman: yea well i ignore the ppl who i cant have this kind of chat with
yoshi_mane: arata bine pe deviant animatia de ieri
yoshi_mane: hmmm..cred ca le pun pe toate
yoshi_mane: soon
Candyman: arata bine indeed
Candyman: sa le pui
Candyman: o sati comentez at some point
Candyman: to feed your ego
Candyman: im just too lasy to write comments these days
yoshi_mane: aham......my ego it's kinda'....like a little dwarf...
yoshi_mane: ...it crys......get's toss...but in the end........it's chewing someones cookie..
Candyman: tenpwlamea)
yoshi_mane: gata ma opresc
Candyman: ok this was the wake up laugh...
Candyman: too right mate
yoshi_mane: .....si ca sa nu mai zici de ce m am ales cu o roscata nebuna....sper ca acum intelegi
yoshi_mane: we get along
yoshi_mane: randomlly
Candyman: ) da i figured out that part
yoshi_mane: let me work damn it
yoshi_mane: ....vb later
yoshi_mane: neatza btw
Candyman: da da neatza
Candyman: spor la treaba dude
yoshi_mane: ms
Candyman: have a nice and productive day
Candyman: and safe
yoshi_mane: naaah...just a cookie
Candyman: a cookie day
yoshi_mane: ...a cookie day?......a perfect day
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Un mod simplu de a-Ti multumi
Intr-o alta ordine de idei.. am dat peste imaginea de mai sus din intamplare si am fost... HA! So true! O bila alba si pentru realizatorul desenului...
Well... a bit of sunshine for today, thanks world!
"Cum spuneam ca nimic in viata nu este intamplator"

No matter what you've done, or who you miss, you can't go back and change it, and you really shouldn't want to. It's the things we faced yesterday that made us who we are today, and what we face today makes who we will be tomorrow.
I don't spend my time,
In regret
I don't waste my time,
Wishing things weren't set,
In stone
I don't want a chance,
To go back
And while I'm not proud,
Of the things I've done,
I wouldn't go back,
And change a single one
I don't live my life,
In regret
I don't waste my time,
Lying around in sorrow,
On my bed
I don't want a chance,
To go back,
To try and make up,
For the things I lack
Happiness, it seems,
Has found me in spite of me
Do I sometimes wish,
That there were things,
That I had never done?
Of course I do,
Because I am human,
But I have learned from every one
But wishing is not!
The same!
As regretting everything,
Because some things just can't change
I don't waste my life,
Living in the past
I find truth and wisdom,
Before me on my path
I find hope, I find faith
I find there is no escape,
From life
And in that moment,
When my dreams seem to be gone
I remember...
It's always darkest before the dawn...
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Once upon of time in LOL Land

Dunno where this one came from but I made it in the bus from Bucharest to my hometown... one hell of a crappy trip. And yes, it was just supposed to be funny. ^_^
I walked into a bar
on a hot summer night
no will to fight
no will to survive.
I asked the bartender
to get me a beer.
Warm hand on my shoulder
and a whisper in my ear.
"Come with me to the bathroom,
fulfill my dream.
drop your pants pretty boy,
I wanna hear you scream"
I gathered my things,
and ran out the door
butt rapped ragged
just like a whore.
I walked through my house
clothes all over the floor,
my husband's boxers hung on the door
screaming a quote I heard before.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
2 în 1
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Leapsa furata (another take)

Topic furat de pe un blog fain http://iubiriplaceriorori.wordpress.com/.
If I were a month, I would be December.
If I were a day of the week, I would be Monday . (a new beginning feels great)
If I were a time of day, I would be 9 am. (fresh start for the win)
If I were a sea animal, I would be a dolphin. (beat that)
If I were a direction, I wouldn't be the "one way". ^^
If I were a virtue, I would be forgiveness.
If I were a historical figure I would be Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
If I were a planet, I would be Earth.
If I were a liquid, I would be Beer. (ahaha redneck style)
If I were a stone, I would rather be dust.
If I were a bird, I would be a raven .
If I were a flower/plant, I would be a Saguaro.
If I were a kind of weather, I would be a thunder storm.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a guitar.
If I were an emotion, I would be hope.
If I were a sound, I would be the sound of a raindrop.
If I were an element, I would be water.
If I were a song, I would be La o cana cu vin – Ecoul.
If I were a movie, I would be Vertigo. (1958)
If I were a tv-series, I would be M.A.S.H.. (nothing beats that)
If I were a book, I would be Moarte si viscol - Sven Hassel.
If I were a fictional character, I would be Grigore Dima.
If I were a food, I would be sea-food.
If I were a city, I would be Sydney.
If I were a taste, I would be coffee bitter.
If I were a scent, I would be that of the morning coffee. (yea...)
If I were a colour, I would be dark blue. (kinda like the cloudy sky)
If I were a fabric, I would be carbon fiber (kevlar). (foolproof)
If I were a word, I would be fail. (o_O)
If I were a body part, I would be the lips.
If I were a facial expression, I would be straight face. (Noun- a serious facial expression which hides a desire to laugh)
If I were a subject in school, I would be biology.
If I were a cartoon character, I would be Spike Spiegel.
If I were a shape, I would be a dot.
If I were a number, I would be 7.
If I were a car, I would be a Porsche Boxter.
If I were an item of clothing, I would be cargo pants.
Monday, 13 July 2009
pure randomness
i know it's not what you want from me
but that's what i think
whatever makes you think "he's not the one"
i think "I think i am the one for You!"
Maybe not and maybe it all depends on what you feel
and what i feel
And if we both feel the same thing
the exact same time
It's what matters the most
random things ftw,... what
you say
Friday, 10 July 2009

To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won’t live to see tomorrow
Beware of pretty faces that you find
A pretty face can hide an evil mind
Ah, be careful what you say
Or you’ll give yourself away
Odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow
Swingin’ on the Riviera one day
And then layin’ in the Bombay alley next day
Oh no, you let the wrong word slip
While kissing persuasive lips
The odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Cand a fi original e totuna cu a soca cu orice pret

Sunt de parere ca filmele Hollywoodiene au suferit dintotdeauna de mania regizorilor/scenaristilor de a forta, de obicei pe buna dreptate, happy-ending-uri in toate productiile. Cu foarte mici exceptii (si acelea fara sa beneficieze neaparat de un sfarsit tragic) filmele au incantat milioane de oameni care priveau "cu sufletul la gura" (exagerare asumata) cum eroul/eroina iese victorios/oasa si ziua e salvata. Bun, nimic de reprosat decat repetitivitatea si previzibilul situatiei.
Acum problema este alta pentru ca nu despre filme in general vroiam sa vorbesc.
Tocmai ce am terminat de vizionat ... tam tam tam... Weekend cu mama in regia lui Stere Gulea. Frumos film, deloc moralizator cum citisem pe site-uri la intamplare, scenele se leaga, una peste alta o experienta placuta pana la un punct. Consumul de droguri, desi e la alegerea fiecaruia, cum spun unii mai teribilisti, e fara nici o urma de indoiala o greseala. Bun, trece fix o ora si douazeci si patru de minute si iti spui ca ai ramas cu ceva placut din film, fara sa banuiesti ce vine mai departe. Acum... intorsaturile de situatie, cand sunt facute bine, au exact acest rol: sa nu te astepti la ce urmeaza, sa te uimeasca, in general sa te scoata din starea de "blazare". Dar ce te faci cand observi ca pelicula ta aluneca pe o foarte previzibila panta, ca vrand nevrand, asa cum ai facut sa evolueze lucrurile oricine se asteapta sa oferi un happy ending si prin asta sa iti ramana forever capodopera infipta in banal, ei bine, ce poti face in aceasta situatie? Servesti pe tava, brusc, fara drept de apel si fara absolut nici o motivatie, un final trist. Si nu numai trist dar si cu o imensa incarcatura moralizatoare, cam atat cat ai fi putut baga de-a lungul intregului film. Chiar trebuie sa sochezi cu orice pret? Realist vorbind toti stim ca odata ce-ai intrat in beleaua cu datorii la dealeri, te intepi de 2 ani si prietenul tau, drogat ca si tine, e prea slab si neputincios sa-si poarte singur de grija, sunt mari sanse sa nu supravietuiesti. Dar sa iei ideea asta si sa o amesteci cu traficul de organe plus o mama ce incearca sa-si apropie fiica si sa trantesti un asa final fortat si cel putin spus improbabil... parca nu se face... (adaug aici si faza simpatica cu telefonul care iti suna exact atunci cand sunt baietii rai pe urmele tale si tu te ascunzi in deplina liniste prin preajma lor...). Pacat...
Wednesday, 8 July 2009

hunt your future's inborn rise,
Chase away the humping sorrow
that foretells your end's demise.
It will plant the seeds of doubt
in your ever weaker heart
You will find yourself ensnared,
shattered soul, broken apart...
Let the wriggle of absorption
lead away your eerie hope,
From the cup of striving potion
take a sip and just elope.
Cast aside the futile sense ward
that will keep away the shiver
Love can be your only soul guard,
step right in, enjoy the fever...
Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Ma idendific un pic cu ei cred, oricat ar fi de simpatici, nu te poti apropia prea mult de ei.
Laters and have a good one!
You can buy me with a coffee

Evident, asta se datoreaza si efectului cafeinei din boabe asupra sistemului nervos dar nu ma intereseaza acum detaliile astea telurice. Enjoy your morning coffee, 'cause it will set you free!
I still need that special someone's company tho...
Monday, 6 July 2009
Knowledge is your shield

Alice in Wonderland
What would it be like to reach that point in your life when you can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are happy?
It would probably require a lot of patience, skill and determination, some would reply, but you will never know for sure if it's just a transitory state of mind or you're actually experiencing the ultimate happiness.
There are quite a lot of things that might lead you to interpret a particular occurrence as being part of the path to your personal welfare but no matter how high you climb on the ladder of ultimate happiness, you will never be able to recognise its peak. It depends on your past experiences and future expectations. If you've only lived your life so far in sorrow and suffering, any pleasant trial will make you feel a little better.
As someone said, "Happiness can only be taken from you, not given."